About Us Based in UK, Diotte Consulting & Technology Limited is a specialist food consultancy company offering technical support to UK, Ireland, Europe and Asia on food processing technology, aseptic technology, food packaging, food engineering, design and supply of pilot to commercial scale food and drink plants, food safety management and training. The company's contribution towards the food industry, especially dairy industry is significant. Today the food and beverage industry has to comply with numerous regulations and follow guide lines to ensure that the public receives safe foods. Therefore, the food production staff required to be regularly trained and updated about new standards and regulations. Diotte take a leading role in food safety training at all levels. We share the experience and knowledge with the world by taking part in national, international seminars and through publication of book chapters and scientific papers. The chapters in these text books includes topics on food science and technology, process engineering, food microbiology, dairy fat, and HACCP. Diotte also involves with new product development from the idea to launch of new products. We provide technical information on all work in a report format requested by the client which also includes in the form suitable for a scientific paper for publication. All our work for clients are confidential. Diotte's Aseptic pot filler Diotte also achieved international reputation after winning numerous awards at the Nantwich International Cheese Show. Upuli won eight international awards for her new creations since 2003 and was the champion and gold medalist winner in 2008 and 2006 for her cheese board. |